Start YOUR Utah Side Hustle Today!
After selling over 8000 unique items online, we have pretty much seen it all. Our business started in Utah, but now we have moved & are ready to share all of our secrets!
By first understanding what YOU actually want. Everyone's case is different so we start there. If you want to master selling on eBay, great, if not maybe we can discover some hidden talents you may have!
Our only goal in life is to be rich & to not work for anyone. Along the way, we want to help as many people as we can. Yes, most of our experience is with selling on eBay, but we are much more than that!
This is a common question. We don't want to sell on eBay anymore. Our life has changed & so have our goals. Though we still plan on being full-time eBay sellers for at least the next year, the plan is to be 100% digital in 2 years.
Literally every place we sourced inventory from between Logan & West Jordan. We tell you what stores to avoid, what stores we did well at, & even some secret spots many don't know about!
Our side hustle started from a closet & now we don't work for anyone. Let's do the same for you!
Learn our thought process of while buying & selling. Not just "buy these brands" like every YouTuber says. Real life explanations on WHY I chose certain products to resell over others. Most resellers are surface level people, that is NOT us!
Get 1-on-1 feedback on your progress. We expect a lot out of you. This isn't a get rich quick scheme nor are we going to hold your hand. This takes accountability & hard work. We felt abandoned by other "gurus", that wont happen to you!
Insides guide to thrifting in Utah... Like I said, we moved, so this information will now be yours! Learn where we found the best stuff & the places to AVOID! Even some local secrets you may not know about!
Oh yeah, & Oliver too!
Let's just make things clear so this doesn't get weird!
Nothing about us is corporate or by the books. Breaking the rules of "tradition" & being 100% honest is who we are. Please watch some of our YouTube videos before purchasing, not everyone will like working with us.
1-on-1 help building the business of YOUR dreams. No we arent millionares, but we are trying to be! Get real feedback on your ideas & maybe we can help pull some hidden skills out of you!
The exact process we use daily in our eBay business to do over $100k a year in sales. No secrets & you can ask us any questions when it comes to selling online! Need to know if something is worth it to buy? Just message us :)
This program is very hands on. We want you to ask questions. Yes, there is plenty of video content, but asking questions & action is how to grow a real business. Oh yeah, this is just phase 1, we literally will be updating this every month with NEW content!
Price is $199 for the bundle of both courses with 4 weeks of 1-on-1 help regarding your online business! Please note: by "help" we mean by offering advice, tools, and experience. You are not buying time for us to build your store, do any backend work, or design work.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.